Ask Me - Shirt

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More SWAG for lock picking people!

Here's how this one works...

Someone that works at a "high security facility" (right...) sees your shirt and says "Hey! I have those locks on my super secure office at work! What do you mean 'ask me for your combo'"? 

You can then reply "Well, I have the combination to that lock. Yes, the very one that you use at work."

They say "Bullshit".

You say "Is it 2 and 4 at the same time, and then 3"? This will often be correct as it's the manufacturer default code for these 5-button variable combo locks. If they say "no" then just turn around and show them EVERY possible code for these "high security" variable 5-button mechanical locks. 

It's not super science. It's just counting and pairing numbers together. The illusion of security knows no bounds. 

Enjoy your shirt, fellow enthusiasts!


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